Bitcoin price increases to 11,700 USD

Bitcoin price increases to 11,700 USD

Currently Bitcoin has increased its price again and has reached the price of 11,700 USD, price that was reached for last time in February 2018. Price that mantains users in suspense, trusting that the price of Bitcoin continues to rise.

Although Bitcoin is still a risky investment, users are not worried about their investments in bitcoin despite the fact that last year, there was a big price loss after December 2017. However, there are experts in the field who trust that the increase will continue for a while.

There are many factors that influence the price of cryptocurrencies prices, we can mention the global economic instability, product of the trade war between China and United States, a factor that seems to benefit the cryptocurrencies market directly. Another factor is that the use of Bitcoin increases among users, so that more and more people are adopting bitcoin as a form of payment and as a form of investment.

And the other cryptocurrencies?

They are also experiencing a favorable price increase, pushed by bitcoin. Although the price of these vs the bitcoin seems to decrease, if we compare them with the Fiat markets, we can see that they actually increase their value, although in a more decelerated way than their big brother, Bitcoin.

June 26, 2019

After a continuous price increase of Bitcoin to reach more than 13,000 USD, around 16:10, Central Time of Mexico, the price of Bitcoin was drastically reduced to 11,900 USD. At the time of writing, the price is still wobbling, which has alerted many users of the exchanges to trade bitcoins with other cryptocurrencies, however, the price trend of Bitcoin seems to be stable, unless the next few hours it continues to down.

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